Text Messages

Email notifications can also be used to send text messages to a cell phone or pager. This keeps people in the field up to date about new requests, or work orders.

Note: The system administrator must configure the system values for the SMTP server, and the default sender address before the email notifications will work. For Access users they are in Work > Administration > Server Email Settings. For SQL Server and Oracle users they are in the Lucity Administration Tools.


How To create a text message notification


  1. Click on the module toolbar to add a new record
  2. Enter a unique title for the notification in the Notification Label field. This is the label that will appear in relevant notification pick lists

    Note: It may be useful for the title to specify that this is a text message

  3. Select “Email” as the notification type. (there is no text message type available)
  4. Select the module this notification will be used for. This will determine what module’s notification pick list it shows up in.
  5. Enter the email address of the pager or cellphone for each recipient in the Recipient List dialog window. Below are two common vendors and their email configurations. For other vendors, consult the owner’s manual or visit the vendors website
  6. Enter the message to be sent into the subject line. Do not use the email body tab unless the recipient can view extended text in a single message.

    Note: All other fields will be grayed out as they do not apply to this type of notification

  7. Click to save the email notification

    Note: The format from step 5 can also be used in fields that notifications pull addresses from automatically, like the employee email address field.