
The Attributes tab allows you to record general information about the transformer bank in the record. Several fields on this tab have special functions. These are described in the table below:

Field Name


Rated kVA A, B, and C

The rated kVA (kilovolt-amperes) of transformer banks is the sum of the rated kVA of its related units, per phase.

H Side Config

The high side configuration field represents the configuration of the primary side of the transformer. Use the pick list to identify Single Phase Line-Ground, Open, Single Phase Line-Line, Wye, etc.

H Side Protect

The high side protection field allows you to indicate the type of overcurrent protection used at the primary side of the transformer. For example, Breaker, Bayonet Fuse, Oil Immersed, Weak Link, etc.

Nominal Voltage

This field represents the rated voltage of the transformer.

Operating Voltage

Use this field to identify the actual operating system voltage of the transformer.

Magnetic Reactance and Resistance

Use these fields to indicate the magnetizing reactance and resistance, in ohms.

HS Ground React and Resist

Use these fields to indicate the ground reactance and resistance of the primary side or high side, in ohms.

Ground Reactance and Resistance

Use these fields to indicate the neutral-to-ground reactance and resistance of ground.

Location Fields

The Location fields allow you to record the transformer bank's general location and mapping information. You can include the map page number, GPS data, elevation, and X/Y coordinates.

Support Struc Number

Use this pick list to associate an existing Support Structure with your transformer bank. Press F9 or click on the field caption button to access the list.

UG Struc Number

Use this pick list to associate an existing Underground Structure with your transformer bank. Press F9 or click on the field caption button to access the list.

Surf Struc Number

Use this pick list to associate an existing Surface Structure with your transformer bank. Press F9 or click on the field caption button to access the list.

Station Number

Use this pick list to associate an existing Electric Station with your transformer bank. Press F9 or click on the field caption button to access the list.

Switch Fac Number

Use this pick list to associate an existing Switching Station with your transformer bank. Press F9 or click on the field caption button to access the list.

Open Point Number

Use this pick list to associate an existing Open Point with your transformer bank. Press F9 or click on the field caption button to access the list.