Notification Tab

The Notification tab allows you to document the various agencies notified of the site violation. You can include agency names, individuals contacted, reporting methods, and reporting dates. A sample of the Notification grid appears below. You can sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings. An up or down arrow will appear (circled in red below) indicating ascending or descending order. Click the heading again to change directions.

Notification Grid

To add notifications to the grid, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Add Record. The following window will appear:


  2. Record an Agency name, Contact individual, contact Phone numbers, Fax number, and Email Address in the fields provided
  3. Enter the date the report was made, method of report (i.e. phone, email, certified letter), and any reference number used to track or identify the notification.
  4. The Date and Time Recorded will be automatically entered by the system.
  5. Use the Short Note field and large text box at the bottom of the screen to record additional information or comments about the Notification. The data in the Short Note field will appear in the Notification grid.
  6. Save and Close the record.
  7. You can then use the right-click functions in the grid to View, Edit, or Delete the Notification.