Falcon Document Management Integration

This option allows agencies to integrate Lucity with Falcon Document Management. This is a document imaging system that can be used to attach documents to inventory assets throughout the system. This integration allows users to access documents via the web instead of individually adding each document to the asset modules.

How To Use the Falcon Document Management Integration

  1. To turn on the option, click edit to enter Edit Mode.
  2. Right-click on an option and select Edit. The following window will appear:


  3. From the drop-down value menu, select "Yes".  Click Button OK to complete your selection.
  4. Click to save the record.
  5. Click to exit Add Mode.
  6. Click to close the window.

    Note: Enabling this option will make the Falcon button falconbutton visible in the inventory module toolbars; however, it will be disabled. Follow the steps below to enable this button.

  7. Access the GBAUser.UMODULES table within SQL Server or Oracle and locate the MOD_FALCON_URL column. You'll need to enter the html string that launches the documents for each asset.

    falcon url

    Note: The example above displays the URL for the Falcon document linked to the Fleet module (Module ID = 165). To conserve space, only part of the text string is displayed. The URL specified can contain parameters indicating field names. This allows the URL to include specific asset information. These parameters must be enclosed in percent signs (%). For example, if you wish your URL for the Fleet module to include the Fleet ID, your URL would contain "%FL_VEH_CD%." This results in the "%FL_VEH_CD%" string in the URL being replaced with the actual Fleet ID.

  8. A listing of the Module IDs matching each module name can be found in the GBAUser.Modules table (KeyID field). Some of these Key IDs are displayed below:

    key id

  9. Complete the above steps for each desktop module you'd like to be integrated with Falcon.