Construction Tab

The Construction tab allows agencies to document detailed information about the construction of the structure. It also has several fields for risk analysis and modeling.

Risk Calculation

Risk calculations are a way for agencies to evaluate where potential weak spots in their infrastructure are.


Rates how important the asset is. This rating should be a whole number based on a scale that the agency uses. A higher number means more risk.

Example: On a scale of 1 to 100 this asset is pretty import so it has a Criticality score of 85.

Probability of Failure

Rates how likely the asset is to fail. This rating should be less than one because it represents a percentage.

Example: This asset will only fail about 5% of the time so it has a Probability of Failure of (5/100) = .05


Rates any factors that have been put into place to mitigate the failure of the asset. This rating should be less than one because it represents a percentage.

Example: To offset the failure of this asset we have a backup, though it will only make up for about 30% of the loss. This asset has a mitigation score of (30/100) = .3


Represents how much risk the asset represents. Calculated based on: (Consequence of Failure x Probability of Failure x Mitigation).

Example: This asset represents a 85 x .05 x .3 = 1.275 risk to the system.

Construction Grid

This tab also contains a grid of all construction records that are associated to the structure. The Sewer Structure's Present Value and Remaining Life are displayed above the grid. These are defined by the deterioration rates set up in the Construction record. These values are updated automatically by the system.

A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) will appear signifying ascending or descending order.


To access the Construction records go to Storm > Construction Records. For more information about Construction Records go here.