Transaction Field Definitions

Field Name


Transaction Type

Indicates the kind of transaction recorded in this record (e.g., Transfer Parts, Adjust Inventory, Receive Inventory, etc.).


Specifies the date the transaction occurred. When parts are dispersed from work orders, this date reflects the End Date of the Work Order Resource record. The Start Date is used if no End Date exists. If both the End Date and Start Date on the Work Order Resource record are blank, the system applies the current date.

Part ID

Indicates the specific Part (from Parts Inventory) related to this transaction.

Location ID


Identifies the Warehouse and Location where the transaction occurred.


States the amount of the part involved in this transaction. This value is not used for part cost adjustments.

Unit Cost

Indicates the price per unit for this transaction.


Denotes the tracking number for this transaction.


Displays the current stock count. This field is used only for Inventory Count transactions.

Original Quantity

Displays the stock count before the transaction occurred. This field is used only for Inventory Count transactions.


Provides a brief explanation of the transaction.


Identifies the employee to whom the parts was issued in certain transactions.


Indicates that the part is considered to be used up at the time it is issued to an employee; therefore, it cannot be returned to the inventory.

Part Transfer Destination Fields

Displays the new Location of the specified part quantity in a parts transfer.

Last Mod By

Last Mod Date

Displays the Login Name for the person who performed the transaction along with the date the Transaction record was made.