
The Toolkit in the Flow Basins module provides the following functions:



Create from Pipe Inventory

Used to recreate the flow basin outlets based on what is in the Pipe Inventory module. This tool is used only when all of the pipes have a both the Upstream Structure, Downstream Structure, and Flow Basin specified.

This tool deletes all records in the Flow Basin Outlet table and adds all the sewer pipes for which the downstream pipe has a different flow basin. If the flow basin does not exist, then the record for the flow basin is added, as well as the flow basin outlets.

Update Pipe Inventory

Used to assign flow basins to all pipes in the Pipe Inventory table and the Structure Inventory table after all flow basin outlets have been established. The program assigns the flow basins based on the first flow basin outlet downstream. This tool should be should run to update the Pipe Inventory once ALL flow basins and all flow basin outlets are defined.

How To Create from Pipe Inventory

How To Update Pipe Inventory

Note: For additional information on the use of these tools, see the How to Assign Flow Basins to Pipe Inventory topic.