This release checklist applies only to clients who are upgrading from version 7.60 or higher. If you are upgrading from a version prior to 7.60, please contact a Lucity support representative.
Retrieve the 2014 or 2014r2 LicenseCodes.xml that were emailed to your technical contacts prior to the release. If you need a new copy please contact
Required disk space for Lucity Mobile Server has increased for this release. Please refer to the required technical specifications
During the Upgrade
Backup Databases !IMPORTANT!
Eden clients who plan to upgrade to or are on Eden 5.80+ will need to install or upgrade the Lucity REST API.
Clients who own warehouse master and are upgrading from 7.60 or earlier may be affected by a delete transaction which will be executed during the work database upgrade. The transaction deletes extraneous records from the PTINV table. It may cause transaction logs to fill up. Either increase the available transaction logs or be prepared to be notified that they are full during the upgrade. If this happens during the upgrade, truncate or increase the available size and then return to the error and tell the database upgrade to continue processing.
There is a new installation (starting with Lucity 2014) called Lucity Document Server. It is a web application that facilitates uploading and downloading files and moving them to a desired file store. It supports uploading documents to the web or file server from Lucity Web, Lucity Citizen Portal, and the tablets. It also supports downloading documents from this server file store to Lucity Web or the tablets.
To support citizens or internal users uploading images to Lucity Citizen Portal, the Lucity Citizen Portal server (in the DMZ) must be able to make http requests to the Lucity Document Server (not in the DMZ).
To support tablet users uploading and downloading documents, the Lucity Mobile Server must be able to make http requests to the Lucity Document Server.
Lucity Web is now a required installation for all clients who use Lucity Mobile Server or the Lucity Citizen Portal to support document upload/download.