Unit Cost Calculations

Cost Fields

Unit Field Name

Unit Cost Calculation

Normal Units for Employees


This calculation is the most complex as it utilizes the value in the Time Cost field (circled in blue above).

  • If the Time Cost code = 1 (regardless of the Time Cost text), the system takes the default unit cost from the Work Flow Setup, Employee module and converts it using the multiplier/straight time rate for the time code (1) in the Time Cost Setup module.
  • If the Time Cost code = 2 (regardless of what the Time Cost text reads, this is considered an Overtime item), the system uses the special overtime rate from the Employee module.
    • If this overtime rate is populated (greater than 0), then the Normal Unit cost will be equal to the overtime rate.
    • If this overtime rate is not populated (or equal to 0), the system takes the default unit cost from the Employee module and converts it using the multiplier/straight time rate specified for the time code (2) in the Time Cost Setup module.
  • If the Time Cost text = "External Overtime", the system uses the special external overtime rate from the Employee module.
    • If this external overtime rate is populated (greater than 0), then the Normal Unit cost will be equal to the external overtime rate.
    • If this external overtime rate is not populated (or equal to 0), the system takes the default unit cost from the Employee module and converts it using the multiplier/straight time rate specified for whatever the time code is for this external overtime rate in the Time Cost Setup module.
  • If the Time Cost text = "External Regular Time", the system uses the special external regular rate from the Employee module.
    • If this external regular rate is populated (greater than 0), then the Normal Unit cost will be equal to the external regular rate.
    • If this external regular rate is not populated (or equal to 0), the system takes the default unit cost from the Employee module and converts it using the multiplier/straight time rate specified for whatever the time code is for this external regular rate in the Time Cost Setup module.
  • For all other time codes, the system calculates the Normal Unit cost by taking the default unit cost from the Employee module, and converts it using the multiplier/straight time rate specified for whatever time code has been selected in the Time Cost Setup module.

Normal Units for Equipment


  • If the Time Cost Code text (circled in blue above) is "External Regular Time" and if the external rate is populated in the Work Flow Setup, Equipment module, the Normal Unit cost equals the special external rate.
  • For all other Time Cost Codes, the system calculates the Normal Unit cost by taking the default unit cost from the Equipment module and converts it using the multiplier/straight time rate specified for whatever time code has been selected in the Time Cost Setup module.

Normal Units for Contractors

This is calculated by taking the default unit cost from the Work Flow Setup, Contractors module.

Normal Units for Fluids or Materials


This is calculated by taking the normal unit cost and multiplying it by the number of units. If this fluid or material is integrated with a part's inventory and the system must disperse parts from inventory during the resource update, the unit cost will be overwritten with the unit cost from the Parts Inventory module. The total cost will then be recalculated.

Regular Units


This is calculated by taking the default unit cost from the Work Flow Setup module and converting it using the multiplier/straight time rate specified for the time code of 1 in the Time Cost Setup module.

Overtime Units


This is calculated using the overtime unit cost from the Work Flow Setup module.

  • If this overtime unit cost is populated (greater than 0), then the Overtime Unit cost will be equal to this overtime rate.
  • If this overtime unit cost is not populated (or equal to 0), the system takes the default unit cost from the Work Flow Setup module and converts it using the multiplier/straight time rate specified for the time code (2) in the Time Cost Setup module.

See Also

Time Cost and Unit Fields

Total Cost Calculations

Examples of How to Manipulate Costs

Disable Unit Costs