Spell Check Option Definitions

Option Name


Check Spelling As You Type

When this option is turned on, each misspelled word will be underlined in red after you have finished typing it.

Ignore Words in Uppercase

This option will completely ignore all words in uppercase (typed with the Caps Lock on).  Thus, even if the word is misspelled, it will not be underlined in red.

Ignore Words with Numbers

This option will completely ignore all words with numbers included in them.

Underline Misspelled Words As You Type

This option will underline misspelled words in red as you are typing them.  The red line will turn off once the spell checker recognizes a correctly spelled word.

Auto Correct Text As You Type

This option will automatically correct commonly misspelled words.  For example, it will substitute "the" for "hte".

Correct Caps Lock

This option will correct an accidental use of the Caps Lock key.

Auto Capitalize Sentence

This option will automatically capitalize the first letter in each new sentence.

Correct Two Initial Caps

This option will automatically correct two initial capital letters in any individual word.  For example, if you type "THis", the spell checker will substitute "This".

See Also

Spell Check Options

Suggested Corrections