Special Functions

Below is a list of fields under the Results tab that have special functionality.

Field Name

Special Function

Test Time

The Test Time field is automatically populated with the total testing time (in minutes). This is based on:

Test Time = Start Time - End Time

Test Static (psi)

This field stores the pressure reading of the residual hydrant before the test began.

Note: The data in this field is used to find the Half Static Press value and calculate the Flow at 20 psi.

Residual (psi)

This field stores the pressure reading during the testing.

Note: The data in this field is used to calculate the Flow at 20 psi and the Flow at Half.

Discharge (gpm)


This sums all the values in the Discharge of Q fields in the Flow Hydrants grid.

Note: Click in the field and press F5 to calculate. This function is only effective if the test occurred on multiple flowed hydrants.

Volume (gal)


This field stores the total amount (in gallons) of water displaced during the test. This is based on the data in the Volume Released field in each flowed hydrant result record.

Note: Click in the field and press F5 to calculate. This function can be used regardless of how many flow hydrants were tested.

Half Static Press

This field is disabled if the Test Static (psi) field value is greater than or equal to 40. If the Test Static (psi) field value is less than 40, then this field is auto-populated with half the value of the Test Static (psi) field.

Flow at 20 psi

This field is auto-calculated based on the Discharge, Test Static, and Residual fields.

Flow at 20psi = Discharge * [(Test Static -20) / (Test Static - Residual)].54

Flow at Half

This field is auto-calculated based on the Discharge, Half Static Press, and Residual fields.

Flow at Half = Discharge * [(Half Static Press -20) / (Half Static Press - Residual)].54

See Also

Results Tab

Flowed Hydrant Grid