Attributes Tab

The Attributes tab allows you to document manufacturer information along with the physical characteristics of the meter. When you enter a status code and description in Operating Status field, a new record will automatically be added to the Location/Status tab. Also, when the status is changed via the Location/Status tab, this field will be automatically updated to reflect the change.

In addition, this tab contains an Association grid that allows you to associate your meters with Water Vaults and other assets.

  1. To add an association, Right-click in the grid and select Add Record. An Association dialog similar to the following will appear:


  2. Click on the Asset button to select an asset category from the pick list. This list will include all other water assets in the Water Inventory modules (valves, nodes, hydrants, vaults and structures, etc.).
  3. Then, click on the Record No. button to select a specific asset from the pick list. This list will be limited by the asset category you chose above. For example, if you selected Vaults/Structures as the asset, only individual vault/structure records will be included in this pick list.
  4. Save and close the record. It will be added to the Associations grid.

    Note: After re-opening the record in the grid, the Go to Associated Record button will be enabled. This button opens up the individual asset record that you selected from the Record No. pick list.

See Also

Meter Device

Meter Device Header Data

Location/Status Tab


Calibrations Tab

Inspections Tab

Construction Tab


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