The Insert a Structure option allows you to add a new structure to an existing storm line. When you insert a structure this way you are creating two lines where there was previously just one. This tool will then update and transfer the data to both storm lines.
Note: If you are just drawing a new manhole and it is not on top of an existing storm line, you do not need to use Storm Tools.
Upon selecting the Insert a Structure option, the following window will appear:
Enter the storm pipe to which you would like to add a new structure.
Select an existing upstream structure number from the drop-down list.
When the US Structure is selected, the corresponding DS Structure and Footage will be automatically entered by the system.
Enter the new structure number to be inserted in the "Select Structure to Insert" field.
Enter the new structure's location information:
Select whether the distance to the new structure is measured from the existing upstream or downstream structure.
Enter the distance in feet from the existing structure to the new structure.
Enter offset information if the new structure is not in-line with the existing US and DS structures:
When looking upstream or downstream along the existing line, select an offset direction (none, left, or right).
Enter the offset distance in feet.
Indicate whether you are looking US to DS along the existing line or DS to US.