Condition Tab

The Condition tab allows you to specify the type of inspection, prior maintenance, cleaning type, overflows, and the overall condition of the detention basin. The fields in this tab are described below:

Field Name


Inspection Type

The type of inspection conducted, i.e. internal, surface.

Debris Depth

The depth of the debris or obstructions observed (in inches).

Debris Type

The type of debris present in the basin, i.e. sludge, mud, rocks.

High Water Mark

The highest recorded level that water has filled the basin (in feet).

Liner Area

Area of the basin that is lined.


Cleaning Type

The type of maintenance and cleaning that needs to be performed.

Overflows To

Where the detention basin overflows to.

Side Condition 1-4

Condition ratings of each of the four sides of the basin.

Bottom Condition

Spillway Condition

Emerg Spillway Condition

Overall Condition

Condition ratings of the bottom, spillway, emergency spillway, and overall structure.

See Also

Detention Basin Inspections

Storm Detention Basin Header Data

Attributes Tab

Location Tab

Custom and Comments