Pump Curve Tab

The Pump Curve tab allows you to document the pump elevations and indicate whether this is a variable speed pump. You can also document the Shut-off heads and Low H, Low Q, High H, and High Q. These fields and their uses are described below. All fields under this attribute tab are optional.

Field Name


Pump On Elev

Pump Off Elev

Pump Alarm Elev

These read-only fields are carried over from the Pump Slot record in which this pump is installed. If these fields are blank in the slot location, they will remain blank here.

Low Speed (rpm)

This is the low speed in rotations per minute at which the pump operates.

High Speed (rpm)

This is the high speed in rotations per minute at which the pump operates.

Shutoff Head (l & H)

The head against which the pump produces no flow.

Low H 1-6

Head points for the pump at low (or normal if not variable) speed.

Low Q 1-6

Discharge points for the pump at low (or normal if not variable) speed.

High H 1-6

Head points for the pump at high speed.

High Q 1-6

Discharge points for the pump at high speed.

See Also

Pump Inventory

Storm Pump Header Data

Attributes Tab

Motor and Seal Tab

Plates Tab

Status History Tab

Location/Construction Tab

Equipment Tab

Inspections Tab

Readings Tab

Purch/Warr Tab


Custom and Comments