Adding a Defect

  1. Open the Inspection Setup module. Select Sewer > Inspection > Inspection Setup.
  2. Click edit on the module toolbar to enter Edit Mode.
  3. Select which flow basin by clicking the Flow Basin field caption (most clients use the DEFAULT basin).
  4. Right-click in the grid (under the TV Lamp Infilt tab) and select Add Record. The following window will appear:

    tv lamp

  5. Click . The list of existing codes and defects/problems will appear.

    defect list

  6. Click add. The following window will appear:


  7. Enter a unique code in the Code field and the new defect in the Description field.
  8. Click ok. The code-description will then be added to the existing list.
  9. Scroll down and select your code-description from the list and click select. The add window will reappear and your custom code-description will be displayed.
  10. Add any ratings in the appropriate fields (circled in red below).


  11. Click to save the record.
  12. Click to exit Edit Mode.
  13. Click to close the window and return to the grid.

    Note: Another way to add a record is to Right-click on a record and select View Record. Once the record opens, click to enter Add Mode.

See Also

Part Two

Add New Ratings