Location Tab

The location information comes directly from the Curb Inventory form. These fields are described in the table below:

Field Name



The two Address fields indicate the beginning and ending points for a stretch of curb. For example, these fields may include street addresses for 118 E English St and 192 E English St, informing you that this curb stretches along E English St from building number 118 to 192.

End Point 1 & 2

The End Point 1 & 2 fields are text fields that can include a more specific description of the asset. For example, the notations "RBL #118" and "LBL # 118" would indicate that the curb stretches from the right building line of 118 E English St to the left building line of 192 E English St.


This field is used to identify the name of the city or municipality that owns this asset.

More in depth location information can be found in the Curb Inventory module.  For further explanation, please refer to the Curb Inventory help guide.

See Also

Curb Inspections

Curb Inspection Header Data

Condition Tab

Problems Tab

Custom and Comments