Accident Tab

This tab allows you to record descriptive information about the traffic accident.  This information will most likely come from your traffic accident or case report form.  You can include location information, date and time, police department information, accident descriptions, and other pertinent accident information.  The fields in this tab and their functions are described in the table below:

Note: You can use this button to carry over information from certain fields to subsequent accident forms.




This is a user-defined, code-description field.


This is a user-defined, code-description field.  Here, you can indicate the extent of the property damage and whether injuries occurred.

Accident Location

This is a user-defined, code-description field.  You can create a pick list to indicate whether the accident occurred in an intersection, on the roadside, in an interchange, etc.


This field allows you to include the date on which the accident occurred.

Note:  This is a required field.

Time Occurred

Time Notified

Time Arrived

These fields are available to indicate the time the accident occurred, the time the police were notified, and the time the police arrived.

Hit and Run

Property Damage

Construction Zone

These check-boxes are available to indicate whether the accident was a hit and run, whether property was damaged, and whether the accident occurred in a construction zone.





Milepost and Distance are both user- entered, numerical fields.  Along with the Unit and Direction selected from the drop-down menus, these fields can indicate a more precise accident location.  Additionally, the Distance and Direction fields will be used in the system location validation process.


This is a user-entered, alphanumeric field.

ON Highway/Road/Street

This field allows you to indicate the name of the street on which the accident occurred.  In order to verify accident location and create collision diagrams, you will need to enter a street that has been previously defined in the Street module.  To select a street segment from the pick list, press F9 while your cursor is in this field.

Note:  Once you select a street segment, the corresponding node ID, street ID, street names, and street diagram will be carried over to the Verification tab from the Intersection Network and Segment Network modules. Additionally, upon saving the record, this street name will be entered into the header identification field.

From or At Highway/Road/Street

This field allows you to indicate the name of the street at which or from which the accident occurred.  In order to verify accident location and create collision diagrams, you will need to enter a street that has been previously defined in the Street module.  To select a street from the pick list, press F9 while your cursor is in this field.   

Note:  You will need to enter an ON street before you are able to enter a From or At street.  The From or At street list will be limited by the ON street that you choose.  Upon saving the record, this street name will be entered into the header identification field.

Speed Limit

These are numerical fields that allow you to indicate the ON and AT streets' posted speed limits.

Photos By

Review By

These fields are used to indicate which officer completed the accident scene photos and review.

Local Case Number

This field is used to record the case or report number.

Note:  Upon saving the record, this number will be entered by the system into the header identification field.

Investigating Dept.

Investigating Officer/Badge

These fields are used to indicate the police department and officer identification information.

Collision Description

Pre-Crash Movement

These text-fields allow you to include accident descriptions in paragraph form. To enter descriptions, simply place your cursor in the fields and begin typing.

Object Damaged

Object Owner

These fields are used to indicate if a fixed object (fence, light pole, street sign, etc.) was involved in the collision along with the object's owner.

Road Number

This field allows you to associate your accident record with a road from the Road Module. To select a road, click on the field caption button or press F9 to access the pick list.

Ref Post

Reference Posts are generally recorded in miles and are also known as Mile Markers. These posts typically do not move when a portion of the road is contracted or expanded. The reference post will be displayed in the corresponding Roads record.

Org. Station

This field is provided to identify the original stationing point and is generally recorded in feet. Stationing does not necessarily reflect the location of the Reference Post. This is a numeric field designed for linear referencing.

Curr Station

This read-only field is used by the system to reflect changes from the original stationing point. Changes are recorded in the associated Roads record when a road is contracted or expanded. If changes have been made and are not yet reflected in these fields, you may need to run the "Update Stationing" Toolkit function in the Roads module. Follow the link for additional information.

See Also

Data Management

Accidents Header Data

Factors Tab

Involvement Tab

Pedestrians/Witnesses Tab


Verification Tab
