The Distresses tab records information about the condition of the road. General assessment fields appear at the top of the tab. Below them is a grid that records data on specific pavement distress types and the severity and density of each type.
Patching Est (SY)
Estimates how many square yards of patching the road segment needs. If this record represents the most recent inspection, this value is used to calculate the Patching % field on the Road Segment > Pavement tab.
Describes the general state of the road segment.
Distress/Severity/Density Grid
Distresses are the types of damage that a road displays. Users associate possible Distresses with specific Pavement Types in the Pavement/Distress Matchups module.
If the Pavement Type is identified on the Road Segment record, the system automatically populates the Distresses grid when the Alt Seg ID is selected on the Inspection record. Alternatively, if the Pavement Type is not identified on the Road Segment module, the Distresses grid is populated only when a Pavement Type is selected on the Inspection record.
Note: If the Pavement Type is changed after the Distresses grid is populated, an error message appears.
A sample of the Distress/Severity/Density grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings. An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.
Right-click on an existing record for options to Set Severity/Density, Set Rating, and Set Rating to 10.
In the Distresses grid, select one or more Distress records with "Yes" in the Use S/D? column. These distress factors allow the user to enter a Severity/Density rating.
Note: These settings can be changed in the Pavement Setup > Severity/Density Setup module.
Right-click and select Set Severity/Density. The following window appears:
Enter the Severity and Density values in the fields provided.
Note: Severity is how bad the damage is and Density often within a given area it occurs.
Click OK. The changes now appear in the grid.
Note: When a user enters Severity and Density values, the system automatically calculates their effect on the corresponding rating.
In the Distresses grid, select one or more Distress records.
Right-click and select Set Rating. The following window appears:
Enter the rating and click OK. (10 is the max/best rating that can be assigned.) The rating now appears in the grid.
In the grid, select one or more Distress records.
Right-click and select Set Rating to 10. (This is the max/best rating that can be assigned.) The changes now appear in the grid.
Note: Users should rate only those distress types that require deductions. If a type of distress is not present on the pavement or present, but does not require a deduction, users should leave the rating blank. A blank Rating field has the same effect as setting the rating to 10. This shortcut helps save time when completing Field Inspection records.
After the user assigns Distress ratings, the system calculates the Initial Deduction, the Final Deduction, and the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) in the following manner:
10 - Rating = Initial Deduct
Initial Deduct x Weighting Factor = Final Deduct
The sum of the final deductions is used to find PCI. PCI is discussed further in the following tab.
Note: The system automatically performs these calculations when the Ratings values are altered.