This section contains the Raw Water Inventory modules. Below, we've identified the basic relationships between these modules. Follow the links at the bottom of the screen for detailed information.
Module Relationships
The water network is made up of Pipes, Nodes, Hydrants, Meters, Pump Stations, Supply Sources, and Storage Facilities. Each water pipe must have one of these features at each end of the pipe.
Each Pump Station can have multiple Pumps associated with it. Pumps should not exist without a Pump Station. If there is no actual facility for the pump station a dummy record should be created.
You can associate water features with each other. To see a list of possibilities, open a water feature module and right-click in the associated features grid.
The field ties records are child records to most of the water inventory modules. A field ties record stores individual location assistance points for assets.
You can record the mainbreak history for all pipes in the network. You can then identify the work order number for the work associated with the break in each mainbreak record.