
The Attributes tab allows you to record general information about the circuit source. The fields in this tab are described below:

Field Name


Connection Config

Use this pick list field to indicate the connection configuration of conductors (i.e. Delta, Wye, etc.).

Nominal Voltage

Use this pick list field to indicate the system voltage for which the circuit source is rated. Nominal voltage values could include 7.2 kV Grounded Y, 24.9 kV Grounded Y, 2400 Delta, etc.

Operating Voltage

This pick list field allows you to identify the standard voltage level at which the system is currently operated, in kV.

Emerg Capacity

The Emergency Capacity field allows you to identify the emergency rating of the circuit source, in KW.

Max Capacity

The Maximum Capacity field allows you to identify the maximum allowable operating capacity of the circuit source.

Max kVar

Min kVar

These fields allow you to identify the maximum and minimum kVar loads experienced at the circuit source.

Feeder Source

Use this field to include details about the source of the feeder.

Voltage Angle

Use this field to identify the angle at which phase is offset from the system standard.

Min Fault Current OH and UG

These fields allow you to indicate the minimum fault current for overhead (OH) and underground (UG) conductors.

Max and Min Pos Reactance and Resistance

These four fields allow you to indicate the maximum and minimum positive sequence reactance and resistance seen at the source by the the downstream circuit, in ohms.

Max and Min Zero Reactance and Resistance

These four fields allow you to indicate the maximum and minimum zero sequence reactance and resistance seen at the source by the downstream circuit, in ohms.

Ground Reactance and Resistance

Use these fields to measure the reactance and resistance of ground seen at the source by the downstream circuit.

Bus Bar Number

Use this field to associate your circuit source with an existing Bus Bar inventory record. Press F9 or click on the field caption button to access the pick list.

See Also

Circuit Source

Circuit Source Header Data


Line Grids

Custom and Comments