Regulator Control

The Electric module provides you with several inventory modules to track your device controls. This module allows you to record regulator control devices. Voltage provided by regulators is changed to adjust for line load, voltage deviations, and line-drop. This control allows regulators to maintain preset voltage levels as needed. Here, you can record the control's attributes, identify associated voltage regulators, and view all work orders created for your controls.

Module Toolbar


More information about the tools available in this module

Note: To view an explanation of any field, Ctrl + right click in that field.


To access the Regulator Control module, select Electric > Device Controls > Inventory > Regulator Control and the following window will appear.

Regulator Control

See Also

Device Control Inventory

Recloser Electronic Control

Recloser Hydraulic Control

Sectionalizer Electronic Control

Sectionalizer Hydraulic Control

Relay Control

Capacitor Control

Load Tap Control

Network Protector