Readings Tab

The Readings tab allows you to view a history of all readings for the station in this record. Although most readings are created in the Sample Station Readings module, you can add a reading from here. This expedites the entering process as the sample station inventory data will be entered when the new record is initially created; however, if you are entering multiple records, we recommend using the Sample Station Readings module instead.

Adding a Readings Record

To add a Sample Station Reading Record, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click in the Readings grid and select Add Record. The Readings module will open allowing you to add the reading/sampling data.
  2. Click to save the record.
  3. Click to escape Add Mode.
  4. Click to close the window.

To view or edit a readings record, Right-click on the record and select View Record or Edit Record.  For further information on the Sample Station Readings module and its tabs, please reference the Sampling Station Readings help guide.

See Also

Sampling Stations

Sampling Stations Header Data

Attributes Tab

Construction Tab


Comments Tab