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Renaming Tabs

Tabs can be renamed to suit your recording needs.  Changes to tab names will be applied globally, on every machine throughout the system.  Renaming rights are limited by default to administrators only; however, network permissions can be altered to allow other users to rename tabs.  In order to change tab names, the security setting for Rename Tabs must be turned on.  Complete the steps below to change a tab name:

  1. Ctrl + right click on an attribute tab name.  The following window will appear:

    Tab Page Title

  2. Unmark the Use Default check-box. The Custom Title field will now appear in white:

    Change Tab Title

  3. Enter the new tab name and click Button OK. The new name will now appear on the attribute tab.
  4. Click or mark the Use Default check-box to return to the default tab name.

    Note: When renaming tabs, you should not duplicate tab names.

See Also

Attribute Tabs

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