Corporation Tab

This tab allows you to record Corporation information for the service tap in this record. To add a new corporation, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Add Record. The following dialog will appear:


  2. Enter a unique Corporation Number.

    Note: This is required in order to save the record.

  3. Record the date the service tap was installed at the corporation, its size, field ties, measurements, and box size.
  4. Mark the Inactive checkbox if the tap has been retired from use at this corporation site.
  5. Enter additional information as needed in the five user-defined fields.
  6. Close and save the record. You can then use the functions in the grid to View, Edit, or Delete it.

See Also

Service Taps Inventory

Water Service Tap Header Data

Attributes Tab

Location Tab

Pipe Info Tab

Meter Info Tab

Backflow Tab

Main/Tap/Meter Ties Tab

Parts/Activities Tab

Construction Tab


Custom and Comments