Storm Pump Readings

The primary function of the Storm Pump Readings module is to record meter readings from an hour meter or some other meter. Each time you read the meter, you can create a new record logging the current meter reading. With each new record, you can view the past meter reading and see the calculated difference in usage. The current reading data will then be carried over into the related Pumps record. The Pumps module will continue to store a history of all reading records entered against it.

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More information about the tools available in this module

Note: To view an explanation of any field, Ctrl + right click in that field.


Tutorial Movie Click on this link to access the Storm Pump Readings tutorial movie.

To access the Pump Readings module, select Storm > Readings > Pump Readings and the following window will appear:

Storm Pump Readings

In This Section

Pump Readings Header Data

Readings Tab

Custom and Comments

See Also

Storm Readings

Storm Pump Station Readings