Creating Midblock Collision Diagrams

To create a midblock collision diagram, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on the toolkit icon in the module toolbar. The following window will appear:


  2. Highlight "Midblock Collision Diagram" and click Execute. The following window will appear:


  3. The Segment ID field will contain the identification in the header of the current record.

    Note:  This field cannot be edited by the user.

  4. From the Date drop-down menu, select Between, Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal
  5. Select the date or date range from the two fields provided.
  6. Click Button OK. The collision diagram will be displayed.

The Midblock Collision Diagram will display all accidents that have occurred in that segment during the date range specified.  The accidents and injuries will be displayed using the codes and symbols found in the legend.

In This Section

Collision Diagram Legend

Print the Collision Diagram

View the Location Analysis Report

See Also


Creating New Supersegments

Attaching Subsegment to Existing Supersegments