Inventory Tabs

This module contains multiple inventory tabs corresponding with the other modules in the Park module and Tree module.  Each tab contains a grid listing the individual assets or associated with the park record. Many of the Park asset tabs also contain fields identifying the asset category's supervisor.  

Modules represented on tabs

An example of one of the grids appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.

Park Inv Grid

How to Add a Record to a Grid

  1. Right-click in the appropriate grid and select Add Record.
  2. The associated module will open to a new record.
  3. Fill out the asset's user-defined ID and other information. The Park Rec # field will automatically be filled out.
  4. Save and Close the record. It will appear in the appropriate grid in the Park module.

How to Link an Existing Record to a Park

  1. Find the asset that needs to be linked to the park.
  2. Find the Park Rec # field on that module. Click the field caption or press F9 for a list of park records.
  3. Choose the park from the list and click Select.
  4. Save and Close the record.
  5. The asset will now appear in the appropriate grid on the selected park's record.

See Also


Parks Header Data

General Tab

Construction Tab


Custom Tab(s)

Comments Tab