The Pipes tab documents data related to the flow isolation test. This tab also contains a grid that tracks all pipes associated with the inspected flow basin.
Field Name
Testing Crew
Indicates which crew performed the inspection.
# of Houses Connected
Tracks the number of houses connected to the flow basin being inspected.
Inspected By
The employee or agency that performed the test.
Field Name
Total Length
Automatically adds the total length of all pipes in the grid when the record is saved.
Total IDM
Automatically adds the IDMs (inch- diameter-mile) for each pipe in the grid when the record is saved.
Pipe Grid
The grid stores a list of all pipes that are associated with the inspected basin.
A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings. An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.
Right-click in the grid to add a record.
Right-click on an existing record for options to View Record, Add Record, Edit Record, Delete Record, Create Subsets or Load Subsets, Stretch, and Recalculate.
Double-click on an existing record to open it.
Create Subsets - Creates a sewer pipe subset from the records selected in the grid.
Load Subsets - Loads sewer pipes from a subset into the grid.
Stretch - Adds a stretch of pipe based on selecting the first and the last pipe. All pipes in between are automatically added.
Recalculate - Recalculates all calculated values in the grid.
Right-click in the grid and select Add Record. The following window will appear:
The Pipe # field is automatically completed by the system with the next sequential number.
Enter the pipe's record ID number in the Unique Pipe Number field (required). Press F9 for a list of available pipes.
Note: When a pipe is selected, the US and DS Structure fields, along with the pipe data fields, are automatically populated with corresponding data from the Pipe Inventory record.
Enter the Leakage Rate (gpd) or press F5to have the system calculate the rate automatically.
Right-click in the grid and select Stretch. The following window will appear:
Enter the US Structure and the DS Structure IDs in their respective fields.
Enter the Maximum Number of Segments to Search in the corresponding field. The system may have a default number set in the Sewer Optionsmodule.
Click to display a list of all manholes located between the US Structure and the DS Structure entered.
Note: If a break in the stretch exists, a message will appear indicating that a manhole is missing or there is nonconsecutive pipe information. Click OK and the manholes that are consecutive will appear in the Structures list.