Each rehab technique added to this grid is given a default maintenance sequence number. To change the maintenance sequence for a rehab technique record, highlight the record you wish to change, and then Right-click and select Change Default Sequence. The following window will appear:
Enter the maintenance sequence number to be assigned to the rehab technique and click OK. The change will be reflected in the grid. If needed, you can enter decimals in this field. For example, you may have previously established a maintenance sequence using whole numbers (1, 2, 3) only to have added another rehab technique at a later date. You may need the newer technique to have a higher priority in the maintenance sequence. You can change your sequence values to decimals in order to add the new technique at the proper place in the sequence (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.). This allows greater flexibility in setting up maintenance sequences.
Note: The lower the maintenance sequence value, the more likely that rehabilitation technique will be selected.