The header data for the Milestone Library appears at the top of the module window.
BMP Milestone Lib Rec#
The system-defined ID for the Library record.
Milestone Library Name *
The name for this particular Milestone Library.
* Required.
Activities Items Tab
The Activities Items tab, which is the only tab in this module, displays a grid of Activity records. When a user loads a Milestone Library, the grid displays all of the Activity records that are part of that milestone library.
A sample of the Activities Items grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings. An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.
Right-click in the grid to Add Record or Load from Activities Library.
Right-click on an existing record for options to View Record, Add Record, Edit Record, Delete Record, or Load from Activities Library.
Double-click on an existing record to open it.
Reorder arrows appear at the bottom of the tab. Select an Activity Item in the grid and use the up down arrows to change its position in the checklist.