Node Inventory Header Data

The header fields contain general information to identify, describe, and locate each node. It appears at the top of the module window and remains visible as users navigate through the module's tabs.



Node Rec #

This is the system ID for the node record. This is automatically filled out when the record is created and saved.

Node Number *

This is the user-defined ID for the node. This must be unique for each record.


This allows users to specify what type of node the record is for.


This field stores a general description of the asset.


This allows users to store an address.


This specifies the current status of the asset. The system considers any code 0 - 949 as operational assets. 950 - 999 are considered non-operational. Assets marked as non-operational will not generate work orders from PM's.


This allows users to mark assets as Active.

* Required Field

See Also

Node Inventory

Attributes Tab

Location Tab

Construction Tab


Custom Tab(s)

Comments Tab