Header Data and General Tab

The header data appears at the top of the module window. This data remains at the top of the screen as users navigate through the module's tabs. The header fields are:




This user-defined field allows users to enter a vendor name.

Vendor Status

This user-defined field allows users to choose a vendor status.

Active Vendor

Check this field to indicate the vendor is actively being used

General Tab

The General Tab stores contact information for the vendor.



Total Encumbered *

This is the sum of all the Encumbered fields from the Project Contract records the vendor is associated to. It represents how much the vendor is contracted to be paid.

Total Paid *

This is the sum of all the Paid fields from the Project Contract records the vendor is associated to. It represents how much the vendor has been paid.

* These fields can be automatically recalculated using the Calculate Total Amount Encumbered and Paid toolkit function.

See Also

Vendor Setup

Custom Tab(s)

Comments Tab
