Override Crystal Page Limits

Lucity Web automatically limits the number of pages in each crystal report. This is done to minimize the amount of strain put on the server at one time. Use the following instructions to override the default limit.

How To Override Crystal Page Limits

  1. On the web server go to the LucityWeb folder (usually C:\inetpub\wwwroot\LucityWeb)
  2. Open the appsettings.config file using Notepad or another text editor.
  3. Between <appsettings> and </appsettings> enter the following line

    <add key="MAXPDFPAGES" value="10" />

  4. Adjust the 10 to the new max number of pages to generate.

    Note: The larger the number of pages, the longer it will take to generate a report.

  5. The file when complete will probably look like this


    <add key="MAXPDFPAGES" value="50" />


See Also


Linking to Lucity Web

Linking to Lucity Webmap

Customizing the Dashboard Background Image

Disable HTML Reports