Form Editor Toolbar


The Form Editor Toolbar contains all of the tools necessary to customize a form. More information on how to use these tools.




Show Hide

Show/Hide Form Details

Displays/hides the list of fields and components currently on the form as well as properties for the selected field or component.

save button


Saves the form.


Add Fields

Displays the list of available fields to choose from, then adds the selected field to the form. Fields display attribute data from the module.

Insert Label

Insert Label

Adds a label component to the form. Labels are a way to add text or notes directly into the form. Labels also allow you to embed hyperlinks into the form.


Add Divider

This adds a horizontal line that visually breaks up the form.

Insert Frame

Insert Frame

Adds a a boxed section to the form. Frames are used to group together similar fields. When a frame is moved all the components are moved with it.

Insert Behavior

Insert Behavior

Adds a behavior component to the form. This can be used to add a Remember Me or Use Requestor's Address checkbox.

Note: This option is only available on Request submittal forms.

tab order

Tab Order

This allows the designer to change the order that the fields are selected when users hit the tab button.


File Upload

Allows the designer to add upload dialog boxes to the form for a Citizen Request Form. This kind of box allows citizens to attach a file to the record and upload it to the server.



This button removes the selected item from the form.



This button refreshes the form display, applying any changes made since the last refresh. If the AutoRefresh feature is turned on (under the View menu), the form refreshes automatically each time a change is made.

carry over

Carry Over

This toggles the Carry Over buttons on in the Form Editor. This is just to show where they are so that the form designer can adjust the fields accordingly.

See Also

Form Editor

Form Details

Form Preview

Form Options

How To