Asset trees group assets together based on module and relationship. They work for the Plants, Site, Building, and Equipment inventories and can be based on a filter. The tree will show a list of records for the selected module. Expanding one of those records will show children records related to that record. Clicking on any level of the tree will open the related module to the set of selected records.
Web Example
The number in parentheses is a count of records
Click an arrow to expand or collapse a level of data
Click on an Inventory or Record name to open the related record(s). Where this is opened is controlled by the buttons at the top right of the Frame.
Clicking on Equipment Inventory will bring up a web view of all 5 equipment records, while clicking on the Bromley Exhaust Fan will bring up a web view of that record.
The Site Inventory is displaying all its records
Site 27 has four related building records
The South building has 5 Equipment records which are:
Toro Aerator 686 -Core
Asset Tree Options
Use this to select which module the tree will start in.
Displays the filter currently being used to the asset tree.
Brings up the filter dialog. This can be used to create a new filter, or load a filter previously saved in the desktop or web.
For the Select Plugin Type field, select the Asset Hierarchy Tree option.
Enter a name for the plugin and click OK.
The Add Asset Tree window will appear:
In the Module field select the module to start the tree at.
The hierarchy tree can begin at either the Plant Inventory, Site Inventory, Building Inventory, or Equipment Inventory level.
To customize and limit the record set displayed from the hierarchy entry point (site, building, or equipment), use the Acquire button to change the filter.
Doing this users can either create a new filter or use a filter previously saved in the desktop of web.