Attributes Tab

This tab allows you to include general information about your water flushing route.  You can include the route's reach, type (i.e. unidirectional, low-point, dead-end), the reason it was established (i.e. semi-annual cleaning), and a description of the route's location. In addition, this tab contains several fields with special functions. These are described in the table below:

Field Name

Special Function


This field allows you to indicate the pressure zone in which this route is located. This zone has an effect on the valves, hydrants, and pipes available for selection in the Valves/Hydrants/Pipes tab. There, the system will look for a matching pressure zone in the corresponding valve, hydrant, and pipe inventory records. Only inventory records located in the same pressure zone will be available for selection.

Node Number

This field allows you to track the relationship between this route and a particular node by selecting a previously defined Node Number. Press F9 to access the pick list.

Note: More nodes can be linked to the route on the Nodes tab.

Total Pipe Length

This field is automatically calculated by the system. It represents the sum of all pipe lengths included on the Valves/Hydrants/Pipes tab.

Note: This field is only updated when pipes are added to the Valves/Hydrants/Pipes tab. It does not recalculate when a pipe is deleted from the record.

Note: Some of the data in this tab will be carried over automatically to the corresponding Water Flushing History module.

See Also

Water Flushing Route

Water Flushing Route Header Data

Hydrants Tab

Valves/Pipes Tab

Flushing History Tab


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