Custom and Comments

Custom and Comments tabs appear throughout the Lucity system.  


This tab allows users to add custom information in multiple user-defined fields.  Field types include:

The Custom tab also tracks the last date the record was modified, as well as the login id of the last user to modify the record.

Note:  The Custom tab fields are designed by each agency's system administrator.  

In some modules, the Custom tab tracks additional information, such as:


This tab (or grid) contains a large text field for making additional notes.  While in Add or Edit mode, click in the grid and begin typing.  You can copy/paste and add carriage returns <Ctrl + Enter> in Comments fields. When the Spell Check option is turned on, misspelled words appear underlined.

See Also

Water Sites

Water Sites Header Data

Address Tab

Meters Tab

Supervisor Tab

Owner Tab

Violation Tab

Construction Tab

