Attributes Tab

The Attributes tab allows users to specify the general location of the storm structure along with other physical characteristics of the structure type, surface type, size, and elevations. The fields with special functionality are listed below.

San Sewer Conn.

When marked, this signifies that the structure is part of a sanitary sewer connection.

Rim Elevation

Enter the elevation of the rim or top of the structure. If populated, this field will be used to calculate Active Rim Elevation on the Elevation tab of the Conduit Inventory module.

Rim Status

This is a pre-defined list of status codes. If populated, this field will be used to calculate Active Rim Status in the Elevation tab of the Conduit Inventory module.

Structure Depth (ft)

Enter the depth (in feet) of the structure. If populated, this field will be used to calculate Active Elevation in the Elevation tab of the Conduit Inventory module.

Subtype text

This field is automatically populated if subtypes are defined in the GIS system. It can only be edited in a GIS geodatabase environment. If Lucity is not integrated with GIS, this field will not be available.

Cleaning Fields

Last Cleaning Date

Users enter the date that the asset was last cleaned. This is used to calculate the Next Cleaning Date.

Cleaning Freq

Enter a number for how often the asset should be cleaned. The amount of time this number represents is controlled by the Cleaning Freq Units.

Cleaning Freq Units

The amount of time represented by the number in the Cleaning Frequency. (ie: Weeks, Months, etc...) Click the field caption button or press F9 for the picklist.

Next Cleaning Date

Users can enter the next date that the asset should be cleaned. If the Last Cleaning Date, Cleaning Freq, and Cleaning Freq Units fields are filled out, this will auto-calculate.

See Also

Storm Structure Inventory

Storm Structure Header Data


Construction Tab

Inspections Tab

Storm Sampling Tab


Custom and Comments