
The Toolkit in this module provides these functions:



Recalculate PCI Values

Recalculates the Current PCI values for all of the inspection records. It also recalculates the deduct and distress values.

Note: This tool will not overwrite an existing final deduct value if a record does not contain values for weighting and rating. Also, if the calculated PCI values are equal to 0, this tool will not overwrite an existing Inventory PCI.

Reset Strength

Recalculates the Pavement Strength field (found on the PCI tab) for every record. The field is updated based on parameters set in the Pavement Parameters module.

Update Most Recent Inspection Flag - All Records

Updates the most recent inspection flag in all records. This function clears the existing flags, reset them on the most recent inspection records only. The system then ensures that the Road Segment module reflects the most recent inspection date, PCI condition value, and other pertinent information.

Update Supersegment Current Ratings

Recalculates all the system calculated fields in the Supersegment Inventory > Condition tab.

How to Run a toolkit function

  1. Click the button in the module toolbar. The following window will appear:

    Field Insp Toolkit

  2. Highlight one of the toolkit functions and click  

    Recalculate PCI Values

    Reset Strength

    Update Most Recent Inspection Flag - All Records

    Update Supersegment Current Ratings

See Also

Field Inspections

Field Inspections Header Data

General Tab

Curb Tab

Sidewalk Tab

Distresses Tab


Recommended Maintenance Tab

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