Custom Fields
The Custom tab(s) provide a variety of empty fields that custom information can be added to. The number of custom tabs/fields that are available are slightly different with each module.
Standard Custom Field Types
Last Modified Fields
Sometimes this tab also tracks the last user that modified the record and when it was modified.
Other Fields
These tabs also might contain some of the following fields depending on the module.
Note: Users can only edit this field in the GIS geodatabase environment. If the system is not integrated with GIS, this field will not be available.
Shared Custom Fields
At the bottom of the Custom tab are several fields that are shared between the segment record, the subsegment records, and the latest field inspection record. These are designed to provide users with special fields that they can fill out on the field inspection, and have them update the Segment, and Subsegment records. These fields link to the fields with the same names in the Subsegment Network module on the Shared tab, and the Field Inspection module on the Shared tab.
The Comments tab (or grid) contains a large text field to enter additional notes. While in Add or Edit mode, click in the grid and begin typing. This field has copy/paste abilities, carriage returns <Ctrl + Enter>, and a spell checker that when turned on will underline misspelled words as they are typed.