Pipe Info Tab

The Pipe Info tab stores attribute information for the pipe segment identified in the header. This data is automatically populated by the system when an upstream structure number is selected. The data in these fields can edited be as needed. All of the following fields are populated from the pipe record.



Flow Basin

The common ID for the flow basin the pipe is part of.

Pipe Rec #

The system set ID for the pipe selected in the header fields.

Slope %

The system slope of the pipe selected in the header fields.

Length Status

The source of the length information.

Pipe Shape


Pipe Width


Pipe Sec Length


Project Number




These are all attribute fields that are automatically filled out from the selected pipe record. However, these can be updated in the PACP module. Any updates made to these fields are then used to automatically update the Pipe Inventory record when the inspection is saved.

See Also

PACP Pipe Inspections

PACP Header Data

Setup Info Tab

Condition Ratings Tab

Recommendations/Work Tab

User-Defined Tab

Custom Tab