Below is a listing of the options available along with a brief description of each.
For additional information on these options, please refer to our Tutorial Movies or click on the individual option names.
Option Name |
Function |
(M, Y, D, N) |
This option determines how often your work order numbers are reset. You can choose to reset your numbers each Month, Year, Day, or Never. |
This option allows you to enter the numerical value to which your work order numbers will be reset. The default starting number is 1. This is only applied when the work order numbers are reset based on the interval defined in the previous option. Note: We do not recommend using any number greater than 1. |
Use Category Level Security |
This option allows administrators to control what types of work orders each employee can see and edit based on work category. Example: Sewer employees need full access to sewer records, but do not need full access to water records. In the Employee module and admin can setup the Category Level Security for the user. The admin can specify which security level each user has access to (Add/Edit/Delete, Edit Only, View Only, etc.) for each work category. within specific work classifications (categories). Since the Category field is required, the employee will only be able to edit the work orders with categories to which they have rights. Note: Each employee will need a Login ID defined in the Employee Setup module if security is turned on. Note: For additional information on how this security setting works, consult the Category Level Security topic in the Work Flow Setup, Employee module. |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. If selected, this option will carry the start and end dates from the WO Task module over to the WO module. By using this option, you can ensure that the WO records track the most recent date changes. |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. If turned on, this option will carry over all resources associated with the crew selected in the WO Task record to the WO Resources record. |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. If selected, this option will automatically carry over the start and end dates in the WO Task to the WO Resource module. Thus, every resource (equipment, employees, etc.) would have start and end dates that match task dates. This option is affected by the "Enforce Resource End Date = Start Date" option. |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option and applies only to the Categories module. In the Categories module, you can drag tasks, resources, employees, equipment, materials, fluids, crews, and problems into a category in the category tree. When this option is turned on, the system will automatically associate any of the above items dragged into the category with all of its related sub-categories. |
When the trace function is used, this option will limit the number of segments that are searched and available to view. The default maximum number is 30. You can change this limit in the General Options tab or on the individual trace screen. This option allows you to view results quicker by limiting the extent of the search. Note: This function is applicable to sewer pipe and storm conduit assets only. |
Populate Empty Task Supervisor with Main Supervisor |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. If selected, this option will carry the work order data in the Supervisor field over to the Task Supervisor field in the WO Task module. Note: This only applies if there is no default supervisor assigned in the WO Task module. This option will not override default data or data entered by the user. |
Populate Empty Task Crew with Main Crew |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. If selected, this option will carry the data in the Assigned Crew field in the work order module over to the Task Crew field in the WO Task module. Note: This only applies if there is no default crew assigned in the WO Task module. This option will not override default data or data entered by the user. |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. This option integrates work orders with the planning modules (Planning/Budget- Fiscal Year, Department, Task). This feature is useful if you have set up the Planning/Budget modules. If this option is selected, the system will link WO Tasks to the Planning/Budget modules to determine how much has been spent. To use this option, set it to "Yes". |
Address Block Range for WOs |
This option allows you to set a numerical value indicating the address block range. This option works in conjunction with the special F8 search option in the Work Order Location dialog box in Work Orders. |
Populate WO Account Number from Main Task Number |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. If selected, this option carries over the default account number defined in the Task Setup module for the main task to the Account Number field on the first tab of the Work Order module. |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. When selected, this option allows you to set a default account number and project number in the main WO screen. Then, this option will carry over that default information to the empty Account Number and Project Number fields in the WO Task. |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. When this option is selected, the system will automatically populate the empty WO Resource Account Number and Project Number fields with the data from those fields in the WO Task. |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. If selected, this option will ensure that your resource ending and starting dates match. If you attempt to enter different ending and starting dates you will receive an error message. In order to match requirements of most payroll systems, we recommend that you keep resources to one day only. |
Disable Work Order Request Open Prompts |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option that allows you to turn on or off the prompt that is displayed when you create a work order from a request (the prompt asks if you want to view the work order). If "Yes" is selected, the work order will automatically be opened after it is created from the request. If "No" is selected, you will be prompted to choose whether you want to view the work order. |
This option allows you to insert addresses and X/Y coordinates for related assets in work orders. You can select "Always", "Prompt", or "Never". "Always" turns the option on while "Never" turns the option off. If "Always" is selected, the system will always try to insert an address. If "Prompt" is selected you will receive a prompt window in the work order record asking for a "Yes" or "No" selection. For every asset added to the asset grid in Work Orders, this option will add address information to the location grid. If "Prompt" is selected and the work order is generated from an external module or unattended, then the address will NOT be inserted. This will be true of work orders generated from PMs, Requests, Inventory, and Inspection modules, as well as any other work order that is auto-generated. |
This option allows you to select "Always", "Prompt", or "Never". "Always" turns the option on while "Never" turns the option off. If "Prompt" is selected you will receive a prompt window in the work order record asking for a "Yes" or "No" selection. If turned on, this option will ensure that your next PM dates are in the future and not in the past. For example, if you start work late on a PM, the system would normally maintain the interval selected (i.e. one week), and set the next PM date for one week from the previous end date. However, since you missed your starting date, the next PM date could be in the past. This option will automatically reset the PM due date to the next available date in the future that matches the same interval. Note: This option only works for PMs using the Starting Date intervals (not the WO Ending date). For further clarification, please refer to the following examples:
Note: If you have set this option to "P" for prompt, and the PM is reset due to a field import, the start date will NOT be reset as the program cannot prompt for a user response. |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. When this option is turned on, the system will automatically fill the End Date fields with the data from the Start Date fields in the WO Resources and Tasks modules. This option only applies when there is no information in the End Date field. The system will not override an existing value. |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option used for validation. If "No" is selected, the system will not warn users when there is more than one PM with the same asset and task. |
Use Fleet Readings from Fuelings on Close WO |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. This option applies only to work orders assigned to a fleet category. If "Yes" is selected and no odometer reading is entered when the work order is closed, and there is only one asset on the work order, this option will use the current odometer reading from the Fleet module. |
Max Past Days for Fueling Readings on Close WO |
This option allows you to set a numerical value that indicates the maximum past days for fueling readings on a closed WO. The odometer will only be updated if the Fleet Current Date is greater than the current date minus this number of days. |
Disable Resource Availability Checking |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. This option allows you to turn off the prompt that appears when a Work Order Resource is scheduled for the same time period on two separate work orders. For information on this prompt, consult the Resources Grid Special Functions topic. |
Supervisor Manages Certifications |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. This option allows a supervisor to lock an employee certification record. This lock would prohibit anyone other than the employee's direct supervisor from adding, editing, or deleting that employee's certification record. The system will check the supervisor's login ID to ensure that only the authorized individual has access to these records. |
Allow Alt Description After Resource |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. If "Yes" is selected, the <Tab> order in the Work Order Resource records will be as follows:
If "No" is selected, the <Tab> order will be as follows:
Prevent Task Deletion if Resource Attached |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. If set to "Yes", users cannot delete any Work Orders or Work Order Task records that have Resources attached. The Delete button and right-click Delete Record options will not be disabled. Instead, a message will appear informing users that the selected Work Order or Task cannot be deleted. |
Enable Timesheet Locking |
This is a "Yes" or "No" option. If "Yes" is selected, Supervisors will be able to Lock Timesheet records in the Web Application after being reviewed. This lock will prevent editing, adding, or deleting of any Work Order Resource records corresponding to the locked Timesheets. If Timesheet Locks are employed and users attempt to edit or delete the related Resource records, a series of warning messages will appear informing users that the lock is activated. Note: For additional information on Timesheet Locking, consult the Lucity UI Admin help guide. |
Carry Over Documents from PM to WO |
This option causes the documents attached to the PM to also be automatically attached to any Work Order created from the PM. |
Force Use of Predefined Account Numbers |
This causes all the Account # fields found in work modules to be validated against a list of account numbers. It also allows users to select the account number from a list by clicking on the caption button for the field. The list of account numbers is setup in Work > Work Flow Setup > Account Numbers. |
Force Use of Predefined Account Project Numbers |
This causes all the Proj No - Acct fields found in work modules to be validated against a list of account project numbers. It also allows users to select the account project number from a list by clicking on the caption button for the field. The list of account numbers is setup in Work > Work Flow Setup > Account Project Numbers. |
Integrate Fleet Warranty with WO Resources |
Enabling this makes it easier for users to add new warranties to their fleet assets. This is useful when they replace a part on a vehicle with a new part that has a warranty. For this to work the following must be true.
Enforce Starting and Ending Dates on Close of Work Order |
This forces users to enter a work order Start and End date before they can close the work order. |
Defer Task and Asset Calculations to Nightly Process |
When a work order, work asset, and work task are saved there are many calculations that occur. If the work order has a great many assets, or tasks these calculations can cause a delay in the save process. This option causes the calculations to not occur when the record is saved. Instead the calculations will occur overnight using the Lucity Services. The pro of this is that work orders with many assets/tasks will save more quickly. The con to this is that the cost calculations on the work order will not be updated until that night or until one of the Recalculation toolkits are run. |
Automatically Calculate PO Total Amounts from Line Items |
Turning this option on causes the Amount field on records in the Project Purchase Orders module to automatically calculate from the Line Items records attached to the purchase order. |
Automatically Calculate Invoice Total Amounts from Line Items |
Turning this option on causes the Invoiced Amount field on records in the Project Invoices module to automatically calculate from the Invoice Details records attached to the invoice. |
Enforce Task End Date = Start Date |
This options forces the start date and end date for all tasks to be the same date. |
Allow Duplicate Assets per Work Order |
If this option is set to 'Y' then one asset can be added to the same work order multiple times. |
Enforce Resource dates are within Task Start and End dates |
This option forces all resource starting and ending dates to be either on or between the starting and ending dates for the related task. |
Populate Resources from Lead Worker |
When this option is turned on the lead worker is automatically added as a work order resource to every task that is added in the Work Order > Task grid. |
Recalculate Costs for All Project Management Records |
This causes the Update Rollup Costs for Filterset tool in Projects and the Perform Cost Update tool in Project Tasks to update all active records. Normally these tools would only update records that were Active or Open. |
Notify user when Asset is already attached to an open Work Order |
Enable this to alert users when they are creating a work order for an asset that is currently on an open work order. This also appears when they are attaching an asset to an existing work order. |
Disable Work Order overdue notifications |
Enable this option to disable all Work Order Overdue notifications. |
Auto Generate Material Requisition Numbers |
This controls whether or not the Material Requisition module will automatically generate a number for each requisition. If this is set to N then a number will have to be manually entered. |
Reset Permit Number Each (M,Y,D,N) |
This option controls how often the Work Permit number is reset. M means that it is reset monthly. Y means it is reset at the beginning of the year. D means that it is reset daily, and N means that the sewer permit numbering is never reset. |
Reset Permit Number to |
Enter a number that the Work Permit numbering system will be reset to when the reset occurs. |
Auto Generate Permit Numbers |
This controls whether or not the Work Permit module will automatically generate a number for each permit. If this is set to N then a number will have to be manually entered. |