Conductor Header Data

The header fields contain general information to identify, describe, and locate each record. The header appears at the top of the module window and remains visible as users navigate through the module's tabs.

Field Name


Conductor Rec #

The system-defined record number for the conductor.

Alt Conductor ID **

The user-defined ID for the conductor.

Main Line Rec # *

Links the conductor to a main cabling line. Click the field button or press F9 in the field for a pop-up list of main line records.

Alt Main Line ID

The user-defined ID for the main line record. Automatically filled out from the mainline record when the Main Line Rec # is filled out.

Conduit Rec #

The system-defined record number for a conduit record. Links the conductor to a conduit record. Click the field button or press F9 in the field for a pop-up list of main line records.

Alt Conduit ID

The user-defined ID for the conduit record. Automatically filled out from the conduit record when the Conduit Rec # is filled out.


Indicates the conductor's status (i.e., operational, out-of-service, removed).

Note: Any conductor with a status code above 950 is considered out-of-service. Anything below 950 is considered operational. No PMs can be generated for nonoperational assets (those with a status greater than 950).

* Required

* Must be unique

See Also


Attributes Tab

Construction Tab
