Attribute 2

The second attribute tab allows you to document more specific location information such as GPS coordinates, elevations, and map and drawing numbers.  You are not required to record GPS coordinate data in the fields provided, particularly if you use a geodatabase to maintain this information.  These fields are only provided for your convenience.  Additionally, this tab contains Links with Other Systems. These links allow you to select existing values for Streets, Sidewalks, Intersections, Curbs, Subsegments, Supersegments, and Roads that relate to your Ramp Inventory records.  By using this feature, you can identify connections among your Right-of-Way assets. These fields are described in further detail below:

Field Name


Segment ID

This field allows you to link your asset with a Segment from the Street Segment Network. Press F9 to select from the pick list, or click on the field caption button. Once you select a Segment ID, the corresponding Subsegment Code for this record may be automatically filled in. For additional information, consult the Segment help guide.

Intersection ID

This field allows you to link your asset with an Intersection from the Street Intersection Network. Press F9 to select from the pick list, or click on the field caption button. For additional information, consult the Intersection help guide.

Sidewalk ID

This field allows you to link your asset with a Sidewalk from the Sidewalk Inventory module. Press F9 to select from the pick list, or click on the field caption button. For additional information, consult the Sidewalk help guide.

Curb ID

This field allow you to link your asset with a Curb from the Curb/Pavement Edges Inventory module. Press F9 to select from the pick list, or click on the field caption button. For additional information, consult the Curb help guide.

Subsegment Code

This field allows you to link your asset with a Subsegment from the Pavement Manager. If you chose an associated Segment in the above field, this information will already be filled in. If you did not yet choose a Segment, press F9 to select from the pick list, or click on the field caption button. For additional information, consult the Subsegment help guide.

Supersegment ID

This field allows you to link your asset with a Supersegment from the Pavement Analysis. Press F9 to select from the pick list, or click on the field caption button. For additional information, consult the Supersegment help guide.

Road Number

This field allows you to associate your ramp with a road from the Road. To select a road, click on the field caption button or press F9 to access the pick list.

Ref Post

Reference Posts are generally recorded in miles and are also known as Mile Markers. These posts typically do not move when a portion of the road is contracted or expanded. The reference post will be displayed in the corresponding Roads record.

Org. Station

This field is provided to identify the original stationing point and is generally recorded in feet. Stationing does not necessarily reflect the location of the Reference Post. This is a numeric field designed for linear referencing.

Curr Station

This read-only field is used by the system to reflect changes from the original stationing point. Changes are recorded in the associated Roads record when a road is contracted or expanded. If changes have been made and are not yet reflected in these fields, you may need to run the "Update Stationing" Toolkit function in the Roads module. Follow the link for additional information.

Note: A tutorial movie demonstrating the links from the ROW modules to the Subsegment and Supersegments is available.

See Also

Ramp Inventory

Ramp Inventory Header Data

Attribute 1

Construction Tab

Inspection Tab


Custom Tab(s)

Comments Tab