Damage to Others Records

Damage to Others records are added to the Damage to Other grid on a Utility Locate record. This tracks the specifics of the damage done, who did it, which equipment was involved, etc... Some of these fields have special functions or are linked to other modules.

Empl Causing Damage

Enter the Employee that caused the damage. This list comes from the Work > Work Flow Setup > Employee module. To select an employee click the caption button or click in the field and push F9.

Equip Causing Damage

Enter the Equipment that caused the damage. This list comes from the Work > Work Flow Setup >Equipment module. To select an employee click the caption button or click in the field and push F9.

Empl Report Damage

Enter the Employee reporting the damage. This list comes from the Work > Work Flow Setup > Employee module. To select an employee click the caption button or click in the field and push F9.

The record also has three grids that track Employee Witnesses, Amount that is Owed, and Violations.

Samples of the grids appears below. Sort records in the grids by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) will appear signifying ascending or descending order.

Employee Witnesses grid


How To Add a Witness

How To Add Multiple Witnesses

Amount that is Owed grid


How To Add a Amount Owed record

Violations grid


How To Add a Violation record

See Also

Damage to Others