Bing Services

The Lucity Web map can use Bing map services as base maps.

Note: To use Bing services for FREE the Lucity web app must be have a public URL.

Bing maps are subject to a license agreement with Microsoft, they require a key which is made available to clients on ArcGIS 10 on support and maintenance. Review ESRI documentation for whether the agency qualifies to use the Bing services. Lucity does not provide an authorization key. For more information about getting a Bing Authorization Key go here.

How To Setup a Bing Map

  1. Get a Bing Key.
  2. In the Lucity Admin tool go to the GIS > Map Services screen.
  3. Add a new Map service.
  4. Give it a name
  5. Enter the URL. The URL is broken down into three parts

    Bing Key

    Bing:Key=<Bing Key from step 1>

    Layer Style - If no layer style is set it will default to road. The options are AerialWithLabels, Aerial, Road. These are case sensitive.


    Extent - Optional. This defines the default opening extent


  6. The resulting URL looks something like this.


  7. Check the Base Map?, Tiled?, and Disable MetaData Queries boxes.
  8. Save Changes and Close the window.

    Note: Adding this Bing URL will add all three Bing Maps: Aerial, Hybrid, and Roads.

See Also

Map Services Configuration