Other Lucity Administration tools

The Lucity Administration tool is designed as a centralized location for the majority of the options and setup for all of the Lucity Web features, and some of the Lucity Desktop features. However, there are other tools that Lucity provides that could be helpful to an administrator. This program is automatically installed on every machine. Not all of the other tools are automatically installed.



Client Maintenance - This program is designed to configure the Lucity Server, update license files, maintain connections to the database, and perform database updates and linking. Client Maintenance is automatically run during the Lucity Server upgrade. Other than that, it is usually only run when there are problems with the Lucity connecting to the databases, the databases are moved or restored from a backup, or a new licenses file is being applied.

  • Requirements - A complete install of Lucity Desktop, or the Administration Tools option is enabled during the Lucity Desktop install.
  • File Location - In the Lucity Desktop installation, in the bin folder.
  • Shortcut Location - Under the windows Start Menu > All Programs > Lucity > Admin Tools > Client Maintenance


Lucity Monitor - This program is designed to provide a view into the database to see users connected to the database. This is a quick way to see which users are in the database before an upgrade.

  • Requirements - A complete install of Lucity Desktop, or the Administration Tools option enabled during the Lucity Desktop install.
  • File Location - In the Lucity Desktop installation, in the bin folder.
  • Shortcut Location - Under the windows Start Menu > All Programs > Lucity > Admin Tools > Lucity Monitor


Lucity Security - This program allows administrators to add or remove users from the Lucity system, as well as control their permissions in the program.

  • Requirements - A complete install of Lucity Desktop, or the Administration Tools option enabled during the Lucity Desktop install.
  • File Location - In the Lucity Desktop installation, in the bin folder.
  • Shortcut Location - Under the windows Start Menu > All Programs > Lucity > Admin Tools > Lucity Security




Lucity DSN Utility - This is a utility designed to maintain the desktop computers connection to the Lucity Server and databases. It updates the path to the Lucity Server's Config folder, and updates the DSN's based on that folder. This would allow somebody to re-point Lucity Desktop to a different instance of Lucity Server. This is mostly used to update Lucity Desktop when the Lucity Server location has changed, the database location has changed, or a new product/database has been added to Lucity. It can either be run manually, or silently using a script or command line.

  • Requirements - This is installed on every machine
  • File Location - In the Lucity Desktop installation, in the bin folder.
  • Shortcut Location - Under the windows Start Menu > All Programs > Lucity > Utilities > Lucity DSN Utility

See Also

