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Select Category
  1. When creating a Request or Work Order from the web map, you may be required to select a Work Category. A Category dialog will appear in the following three situations:
    • If you are creating a Work Order or Request without any assets (X/Y coordinates only). In this situation, the entire Category tree will be displayed.
    • If you are creating a Work Order or Request on an asset or group of assets and there is more than one available category for that asset type. In this situation, a dialog will appear that includes only the category types you are allowed to select.
    • If you create a Work Order or Request for an asset type that does not have any categories defined. In this situation, you’ll see a blank Category dialog and will be unable to make any selections.
  2. Scroll down in the list to locate the category of work you’d like to use and click the Select button to assign a category to the Work Order or Request.

    Category Select

  3. Once a Work Order or Request is successfully created you will be prompted for the additional Request or Work Order information. A submit form will open in a new tab. The specific submit form that appears will depend on how you opened the map.
    • If you opened the map from the "Map" link at the top of the Lucity Web page, the default Work Order or Request submit form will appear.
    • If you opened the map using the Show in Map button from a Work Order or Request grid, and then created a new Work Order or Request, the submit form associated with the grid from which you launched the map will open.
    • In all other situations, the default Work Order or Request form will appear.

See Also

Create Request from Map

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