The Lucity-Inspection-to-ArcGIS-Online integration allows edits made in LucityInspection modules to be pushed to an ArcGIS Online feature class.
Edits made in the Lucity interface are pushed directly into the Lucity database.
Inspections are not automatically pushed to ArcGIS Online; instead, they are pushed to ArcGIS Online using a GIS Task.
The GIS Task runs on a schedule. The task regularly checks the Lucity database for new or updated records and, when it finds them, pushes the data into a feature service. Then, the feature service automatically updates ArcGIS Online.
Configure the ArcGIS Online Feature Service
This configuration uses a feature service to push Inspection records from Lucity to the geodatabase.
Each feature layer that an agency wants to link to Lucity must be contained in one or more of its ArcGIS Online services.
Each feature layer that an agency links to Lucity must have a unique, user-friendly name. This name is used whenever the feature layer is included in a service that Lucity references.
The feature layers must display all of the fields that an agency wants to link to Lucity.
The service does not need any additional non-Lucity feature layers.
The service can either be a new service or an existing one.
This service does not need to be included in any Webmaps.
This service does not require any special symbology.
Decide which feature class fields should be linked.
Look at the Lucity module and decide what fields you want to link to your GIS data.
In the GIS Config tool select an inspection layer in the ArcGIS Online Data section or the Current GIS Configuration section.
In the Feature Class Configuration section on the right, click the Fields tab.
Find the Lucity field, using its field name or display name.
Enter the geodatabase field name in the Feature Class Field Name field OR push the Field Lookup button for a list of fields from the associated feature class.
Create a GIS Scheduled Task
The second part of the integration involves creating the GIS Scheduled Task that regularly updates Lucity with new GIS data. GIS Scheduled Tasks are set up using the GIS Config tool.
Click the Add New GIS Task button. A new record appears in the grid.
Select the record in the grid and complete the GIS Task Info section at the bottom.
Under General Info, select the desired Task Type:
Sync - Lucity to GIS - Pushes Inspection data from Lucity to an Inspection feature class layer.
Sync - GIS to Lucity - Pushes any data from the feature class layer to Lucity.
Under Filter Options, select which records the Task will process when it runs:
None - Directs the Task to consider all records when syncing.
Filter Set - Directs the Task to consider only records that meet the criteria of a particular filter.
Select Filter - Choose an existing Lucity filter from the related module.
Under Scheduling Info, indicate how often the Task should run.
Units - Indicate the number of minutes, hours, days, or months that will pass between runs.
Frequency - Select whether the units represent minutes, hours, days, or months.
Last Run - Displays the date on which the Task was last run. (The system automatically completes this field.)
Override - Allows the user to manually modify the Last Run date.
Next Run - Displays the next date/time the Task will run. (The system automatically calculates this field based on the Last Run, Units, and Frequency fields.)
Click the Recalc button to calculate the Next Run date using the Units, Frequency and today's date.
Under Options, set how the GIS Task should behave when populating the feature class:
Only process records modified since last run - Directs the Task to check the records' Last Modified dates. Only records (in the filter set) that were modified since the Last Run date are synced.
Last Edited DateTime Field - Directs the Task to store the date/time that the record was last edited (typically the ESRI Editor Tracking field). This option is only enabled when the Only Process records modified since last run option is checked and the Task Type is Sync- GIS to Lucity.
Insert record if it doesn't already exist - Tells the Task to add any new records to the destination.
Enable number generator for imports - Directs the Task to assign numbers to assets using a Lucity GIS Number Generator related to the feature class.
Update existing record - Tells the Task to update existing records with new attribute data.
Delete previous inspection(s) for asset. (Only keep most recent inspections) - Directs the Task to delete any Inspection in the feature class that is not the most recent Inspection for an asset. The option is helpful if an agency wants the feature class to contain only the most recent Inspection for each feature. (Enabled only when the Task Type is Sync- Lucity to GIS.)
Click on a different part of the tool to save changes.
Note:History section - This section contains information about the last time the GIS Task ran.